A Look at Plant-Based Documentaries

Plant-based eating is certainly growing in popularity across the globe. Although it may just seem like a social media trend, there is a lot more to plant-based eating than pretty photos of food. In fact, plant-forward eating has incredible positive effects on the environment and human health, which is why it is great more people are taking interest in adding more plant-based foods into their diet. To really explore the science of plant-based eating, here is a list of documentaries to fuel your interest and hopefully inspire you to choose plant-based foods for a healthy lifestyle and sustainable future:

  1. The Game Changers: shows the science behind a plant-based diet and how quickly it can change your life and body for the better, particularly through athletes.
  2. Forks Over Knives: follows the journey of patients learning how to improve their health and life from doctors who believe ‘food is medicine’; advocates for plant-based eating by way of avoiding several chronic diseases.
  3. What the Health: analyzes why the nation’s health organizations don’t want people to know about the effect our food has on long-term health.
  4. Hungry for Change: uncovers secrets that the diet, weight loss and food industries don’t want customers to know in order to stay profitable.
  5. Food Inc.: focuses on the agricultural and farming industries to reveal where our food really comes from and how it’s made.
  6. Cowspiracy: explores the link between the animal agriculture industry and environmental degradation, and thus promotes plant-forward eating.

Overall, documentaries serve as an entertaining and informative way to learn about how our food choices impact our well-being and the environment. Sometimes we can lose sight of the benefits of plant-based eating because we feel we can’t make a difference on an individual level—but watching even one documentary can help to reignite your interest, alter your perspective, and allow you to develop a better understanding of how you can benefit your health, and the environment, with your food choices.
